About Mr. Mohit Ghai – the trusted CICC-ICCRC Expert Member
Through hard work and dedication, Mohit Ghai has earned his title as a regulated immigration consultant and a respected member of the Immigration Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council (ICCRC) under License #R508662. From guiding bright minds eager to explore life in Canada, to job seekers hoping for lucrative opportunities, Mr.Ghai has proven his commendable expertise time and again. Ensuring you’re well versed about where, why, and how you should immigrate to Canada is not just his job, but a responsibility he embraces with pride!
Mr.Ghai’s a senior immigration consultant with more than 11 years of vast experience, Canaccess Immigration, goes beyond borders, recognized and approved by the Government Of Saskatchewan under License #00428. They take a hands-on approach, simplifying the immigration process, job recruitment, and making dreams come true.
But why Canada?
Well, breathtaking might just be an understatement when describing Canada’s natural beauty. With picturesque landscapes, diverse ecosystems stretching from its three oceans to the majestic mountain ranges, and the opportunity to explore vibrant, cosmopolitan cities like Toronto, why wouldn’t you want to pack your bags and head there? Add to that a welcoming, immigrant-friendly atmosphere, and it’s no wonder Canada’s considered an immigration hot spot.
The Express Entry Program
Thinking about settling down in Canada? The Express Entry program is targeted towards professionals seeking a stimulating work environment. This points-based system takes into account your skills, experience, Canadian employment status, and provincial/territorial nomination.
Provincial Nominee Program (PNP)
PNP is like your personal Cinderella story with Canada playing fairy godmother! Each province and territory in Canada operates its PNP designed to meet its specific economic and demographic needs – a real pathway to make Canada home for those who want to contribute to a specific province.
Business Immigration
Recently got the entrepreneurial itch but don’t want to risk it in an unstable market? With a focus on facilitating the entry of individuals to contribute to the economic landscape, both the federal and provincial/territorial governments of Canada invite business immigrants and offer services that help immigrants establish and grow their businesses.
Family Class Immigration
Nobody puts family second and Canada clearly agrees! With Family Class Sponsorship, you can call over your spouse, common-law partner, or dependent child to join you in your new Canadian life. Indeed, Canaccess Immigration has contributed to many such heartwarming reunions!
Experience Class Immigration
CEC is a unique program for those who already have worked in Canada for at least one year. If you’re already contributing to Canada economy, why not make it official? After all, Canada sees great value in the talented workforce already within its borders!
Now, you must be thinking – with so many laws and programs, who will guide me through the skyscraper-high paperwork and immigration processes?
Why you’d want to opt for Canaccess Immigration
Canaccess Services, under the able guidance of Mr. Mohit Ghai, has garnered reputation as the ‘Best Immigration Consultant’, assisting aspirants in a vast array of services, application filling, and even guiding on valuable statements.
They have the impeccable track record of high visa success rate with a direct supervision of universities. The team at Canaccess are proficient not just in handling new cases but also in navigating the maze of Canadian Visa Refusal cases.
Adding to this, Canaccess Immigration specializes in Business immigration, providing opportunities to settled businessmen and managers to expand their horizon.
And are you under a heap of legal documents unable to understand the technicalities? Canaccess Immigration provides the best legal advice from trained advisors.
The many flavors of worker programs
Canada doesn’t box you into one category. All sorts of folks, be it skilled workers, Quebecois, folks with Canadian experience, or tradespeople, have programs tailor-made just for them! This includes the very popular Federal Skilled Workers program, Quebec Skilled Workers program, Canadian Experience Class, and the Federal Skilled Trades Class. So, no matter where you slot yourself, Canada has got something for you!
Entrepreneurs and self-employed persons
You might not have a zillion dollars, but if you got the will to succeed, Canada is open for you! After all, aren’t entrepreneurs the ones who dare to dream and bring those dreams to life? Canada is very welcoming to those who want to carve their own path.
Atlantic Immigration Pilot Programs
Since its inception in 2017, the pilot has been instrumental in helping employers in Atlantic Canada hire foreign skilled workers who want to build a life there. It offers international graduates a chance to convert their temporary education ride into a permanent one.
Start-Up Business Class
Are you a budding entrepreneur or an established one looking to expand? Invest at least $200,000 in the Canadian market and watch your business grow.
Get on board to witness a surge in returns. The Canadian market is an excellent place for your money to multiply. This is not just an exciting investment opportunity but also a golden ticket to a Permanent Resident Visa.
Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot Program
And it’s not just the cities! The Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot is a community-driven program designed to spread the immigration love to smaller communities. Applying here could be your ticket to a cozy little town with a warm and welcoming community!
Remember – the world can seem like a big, scary jigsaw puzzle. But with the right support and guidance, you can find the perfect piece that fits just right. Canaccess Immigration, with Mr. Ghai at the helm, might be the perfect partner to help you find yours.
Okay, let’s dive right into this. A visitor visa for Canada, also called a Temporary Resident Visa (TRV), isn’t just a fancy sticker on your passport. It’s like a golden ticket, it authorizes you to enter the Land of the Maple Leaf. So, if you’re an admirer of stunning landscapes and maple syrup (aren’t we all?), this article is snug just right for you!
How Long Is Canada Visitor Visa Valid?
You might be asking yourself, “How long does this golden ticket last?” Well mate, it’s 10 (yes, ten!) long years or till a month before your passport bites the dust, whichever hits the clock first. So you need to to make sure your passport has still got enough life in it before applying for the visa. Important stuff this, right?
Why Canada Visa Gets Rejected?
Now, here’s the kicker, sometimes, some souls get their Canadian dream shattered with a visa rejection. Ouch, that hurts, doesn’t it? Typical reasons are:
- Not having enough money in the bank account.
- Not providing complete or accurate supporting docs.
- Having some unresolved issues with international security standards. A criminal background?
How Long Can I Stay On Visitor Visa? How Many Times Can I Visit Canada On One Year?
Wondering about the frequency of your maple syrup intake? Well, don’t worry, eh! With a valid multiple entry visa, you can quench your maple leaf cravings quite frequently. You can travel to Canada as many times as you want for up to six months at a time. Just remember, the clock on your visa keeps ticking, so make sure you arrive in Canada before its expiry date. Yay to more hockey games and canoeing adventures!https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/visit-canada.html
Can I Work In Canada With Tourist Visa?
Here comes the million-dollar question! Can you swap the visitor hat for a lumberjack hat? Sorry to burst your bubble, but the answer is no. A visitor visa isn’t a work permit. So, if you try joining the labor market there, you’d be skating on thin ice. Keep that vacation vibe going all through your stay y’all.
That’s a wrap, folks! Remember, a Canadian visa is like those super-delicious Nanaimo bars: not everyone who wants one, gets one. So, keep these points in mind, prepare well and you’ll be pitching your tent under the Northern Lights in no time!

1 | CICC Certified Company. | Yes |
3 | Specialized in dealing with Canadian Visa Refusal cases. | Yes |
2 | Pioneer in counseling and visa guidance. | Yes |
4 | Canacess promotes Quality Education. | Yes |
5 | Canaccess provides Pre-visa and Post-visa services. | Yes |
6 | Well trained advisers, directly supervised by Universities. | Yes |
3 Steps CIS Expertise In
Schedule a consultation with our expert immigration team for a comprehensive evaluation of your immigration case matter.
Creating an Immigration Strategy for the Future Prospects and developing a plan that works for your case with knowing your options .
3.Take Action
It is the time to act. Please take a few moments to contact our expert visa team to let them know more about new immigration reforms.
Can Access Immigration Consultants are registered to provide Canadian immigration advice, as required by Canadian law. Can Access Immigration Consultants adhere to the professional Code of Conduct along with undertaking continuous professional development (CPD) training on a yearly basis. The copyright of all material on this site (“Can Access Immigration”) is owned by Can Access Immigration Consultancy Services.
The details mentioned is subjected to copyright policy 2021-2022 https://canaccessimmigration.com/copyright/