Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. What is the International Experience Canada Program?
  3. Understanding Canaccess Immigration
  4. Categories under IEC Program
  5. Eligibility Criteria
  6. Required documents
  7. Type & Duration of Work Permit
  8. Benefits of Participating in IEC Program
  9. Why choose Canaccess Immigration?
  10. The Process
  11. Success Stories & Testimonials
  12. Navigating the Legal Immigration Solutions
  13. Frequently Asked Questions
  14. Summary
  15. Call to Action


In an increasingly interconnected world, the pursuit of international experiences has become a hallmark of personal and professional growth. Whether it’s to broaden cultural horizons, gain valuable work experience, or forge lifelong connections, the allure of venturing beyond one’s borders is undeniable. Recognizing this, many countries have established programs to facilitate the exchange of talent and ideas across borders, and one such program is the International Experience Canada (IEC) initiative.You can live & work in Canada under IEC Program and being approved by CICC & IRCC ,Canaccess Immigration help you through out your immigration journey.

What is the International Experience Canada Program?

The International Experience Canada (IEC) program is a Canadian initiative that facilitates the exchange of young people (usually aged 18-35) between Canada and partner countries. The program allows participants to gain valuable international work experience, travel, and explore Canada’s culture while contributing to the Canadian economy. Through the IEC program, eligible individuals can obtain work permits or visas to work and travel in Canada for a specified period.

Understanding Canaccess Immigration

CANACCESS IMMIGRATION, approved and registered with IRCC & CICC, has been a pioneer in providing immigration solutions. Chaired by Mohit Ghai, a renowned immigration consultant, CANACCESS IMMIGRATION specializes in various visas, including work, study, visitor, and permanent residency visas.

At CANACCESS IMMIGRATION, the motto of “Broad Vision Honest Service Great Value” is taken very seriously. This is evident in every aspect of their service, from detailed consultations to personalized immigration strategies that best suit your needs and goals.

Are you considering a move to Canada from India in 2024? If so, you’re not alone. Canada has been a popular destination for immigrants from around the world, including India, for many years. With its high standard of living, excellent healthcare and education systems, and diverse cultural landscape, Canada offers a promising future for individuals and families seeking new opportunities abroad.

At CANACCESS IMMIGRATION, we understand that the immigration process can be overwhelming, especially when moving to a new country. That’s why we’re here to help. As a trusted immigration consultancy registered with the College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants (CICC) and the Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC),we have the expertise and experience to guide you through every step of your journey to Canada.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about moving to Canada from India in 2024, including the immigration process, requirements, opportunities, and more. So, let’s dive in!

Categories under IEC Program

IEC is comprised of three categories.

  • Working Holiday: This category allows participants to work and travel in Canada for up to 12 or 24 months, depending on their nationality. The primary purpose of this category is to encourage cultural exchange and provide young people with the opportunity to explore Canada while working to support their stay.
  • Young Professionals: This category is designed for individuals who have a job offer in Canada that contributes to their professional development. Participants can work for the same employer in Canada for up to 24 months, gaining valuable work experience in their field of expertise.
  • International Co-op (Internship): This category is for students who need to complete an internship or work placement as part of their studies. Participants can work for a specific employer in Canada for up to 12 or 24 months, depending on their nationality and the requirements of their academic program.

Eligibility Criteria

The eligibility criteria for each category under the International Experience Canada (IEC) program may vary slightly depending on the specific category and the participant’s nationality. However, here is a general overview of the eligibility criteria for each category.

Working Holiday

  1. Age: Participants must be within the age range specified by their country’s agreement with Canada (usually between 18 and 35).
  2. Nationality: Participants must hold a passport from a country that has a bilateral youth mobility agreement with Canada.
  3. Funds: Participants must have CAD $2500 to support themselves initially upon arrival in Canada.
  4. Insurance: Participants must have health insurance coverage for the duration of their stay in Canada.
  5. Admissibility: Participants must meet Canada’s admissibility requirements, including having a clean criminal record.

Young Professionals

  1. Age: Participants must be within the age range specified by their country’s agreement with Canada (usually between 18 and 35).
  2. Job Offer: Participants must have a job offer in Canada that contributes to their professional development.
  3. Relevant Qualifications: Participants must have relevant qualifications and/or work experience related to the job offer.
  4. Insurance: Participants must have health insurance coverage for the duration of their stay in Canada.
  5. Admissibility: Participants must meet Canada’s admissibility requirements, including having a clean criminal record.

International Co-op (Internship)

  1. Age: Participants must be within the age range specified by their country’s agreement with Canada (usually between 18 and 35).
  2. Job Offer: Participants must have a job offer in Canada for a work placement or internship that is necessary to complete their studies.
  3. Enrollment: Participants must be currently enrolled at a post-secondary institution or have graduated within the past 12 months.
  4. Relevant Studies: The proposed work placement or internship must be related to the participant’s field of studies.
  5. Insurance: Participants must have health insurance coverage for the duration of their stay in Canada.
  6. Admissibility: Participants must meet Canada’s admissibility requirements, including having a clean criminal record.

It’s important to note that specific eligibility requirements and application procedures may vary depending on the participant’s country of citizenship and the agreements between Canada and that country. Therefore, individuals interested in applying for the IEC program should consult the official website of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) for the most up-to-date information and guidance.

Required Documents

To participate in the International Experience Canada (IEC) program, you will typically need to provide various documents depending on the specific category you are applying for and your country of citizenship. While requirements may vary, here are some common documents you may need:

Passport: A valid passport from your country of citizenship is usually required. Ensure that your passport is valid for the duration of your intended stay in Canada.

Proof of Eligibility: Depending on the category you are applying for, you may need to provide proof of eligibility, such as your age, educational qualifications, or enrollment in a post-secondary institution.

Insurance: Health insurance coverage is mandatory for all participants in the IEC program. You may need to provide proof of health insurance coverage that meets the requirements set by the Canadian government.

Proof of Funds: You may need to demonstrate that you have sufficient funds to support yourself financially during your stay in Canada. This could include bank statements, proof of employment, or other financial documents.

Biometrics: Depending on your country of citizenship, you may be required to provide biometric information (fingerprints and a photo) as part of the application process.

Police Clearance Certificate: Some countries may require applicants to provide a police clearance certificate or a criminal record check to demonstrate that they do not have a criminal record.

Job Offer (for Young Professionals and International Co-op categories): If you are applying for the Young Professionals or International Co-op categories, you will need a job offer or a work placement offer from a Canadian employer. You may need to provide a copy of your job offer letter or internship agreement.

Additional Documents: Depending on your specific circumstances and the requirements of your country of citizenship, you may be asked to provide additional documents such as a CV/resume, letters of recommendation, or proof of language proficiency.

It’s essential to carefully review the application instructions and requirements for your specific category and country of citizenship on the official website of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). Additionally, make sure to submit all required documents accurately and within the specified deadlines to avoid any delays or complications in the application process.

Type & Duration of Work Permit

The type and duration of a work permit issued under the International Experience Canada (IEC) program depend on the specific category you are applying for and your country of citizenship. Here’s a general overview:

Working Holiday Work Permit:

  • Type: Open work permit, allowing you to work for any eligible employer in Canada.
  • Duration: Typically valid for 2 years, depending on your nationality and the agreement between Canada and your country.

Young Professionals Work Permit

  • Type: Employer-specific work permit, tied to the job offer you have received from a Canadian employer.
  • Duration: Valid for the duration of your job offer, up to a maximum of 2 Years. The duration of the permit will be specified in your job offer and will depend on the length of your employment contract.

International Co-op (Internship) Work Permit

  • Type: Employer-specific work permit, tied to the work placement or internship you have arranged with a Canadian employer.
  • Duration: Valid for the duration of your work placement or internship, up to a maximum of 2 Years, depending on your nationality and the agreement between Canada and your country.

Benefits of Participating in IEC Program

Participating in the International Experience Canada (IEC) program offers numerous benefits for young people seeking international work experience and cultural exchange. Some of the key benefits include:

International Work Experience: Participants have the opportunity to gain valuable work experience in a foreign country, enhancing their skills and knowledge in their chosen field. This international experience can be highly beneficial for career development and future job prospects.

Cultural Exchange: The IEC program promotes cultural exchange by allowing participants to immerse themselves in the culture and lifestyle of Canada. Participants have the chance to interact with people from diverse backgrounds, learn about Canadian customs and traditions, and broaden their global perspective.

Travel Opportunities: Participants can explore Canada’s diverse landscapes, cities, and attractions during their stay. From stunning natural scenery to vibrant urban centers, Canada offers a wide range of travel experiences for participants to enjoy during their free time.

Language Skills: Living and working in an English- or French-speaking environment can help participants improve their language skills. Immersion in the language allows participants to practice and enhance their communication abilities, which can be valuable both professionally and personally.

Networking: Participants have the opportunity to build a global network of contacts through their interactions with colleagues, employers, and fellow participants. Networking during the program can lead to valuable connections and potential career opportunities in the future.

Personal Growth: Living abroad challenges participants to step out of their comfort zones, adapt to new environments, and develop independence and resilience. The experience of overcoming obstacles and navigating unfamiliar situations can foster personal growth and self-confidence.

Career Opportunities: The international work experience gained through the IEC program can enhance participants’ resumes and make them more attractive to employers, both in Canada and in their home countries. Employers value candidates with diverse experiences and a global perspective.

Memorable Experience: Participating in the IEC program often leads to unforgettable memories and experiences that participants will cherish for a lifetime. Whether it’s exploring new places, making lifelong friendships, or overcoming challenges, the program offers opportunities for personal and professional enrichment.

Overall, the IEC program provides a unique opportunity for young people to live, work, and travel in Canada, gaining valuable experiences and making lasting connections along the way.

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Why Choose Canaccess Immigration?

With so many immigration consultants and agencies to choose from, why should you trust CANACCESS IMMIGRATION with your journey to Canada?You can live & work in Canada under IEC Program and being approved by CICC & IRCC ,Canaccess Immigration help you through out your immigration journey. Here are a few reasons:

  1. Expertise: Our team of immigration consultants has in-depth knowledge and experience in Canadian immigration law and procedures. We stay up-to-date with the latest developments and changes in immigration policy to ensure that our clients receive accurate and reliable advice.
  2. Transparency: We believe in transparency and honesty in all our dealings with clients. We provide clear and straightforward guidance on the immigration process, requirements, and fees, so you know what to expect every step of the way.
  3. Personalized Service: We understand that every client is unique, with their own set of goals, circumstances, and challenges. That’s why we take a personalized approach to immigration, tailoring our services to meet your specific needs and objectives.
  4. Supportive Environment: Moving to a new country can be daunting, but you don’t have to do it alone. Our team is here to support you throughout your immigration journey, providing guidance, assistance, and reassurance whenever you need it.
  5. Registered with IRCC & CICC: As a registered immigration consultancy with both the IRCC and CICC, you can trust that we adhere to the highest standards of professionalism, ethics, and integrity. We are committed to serving our clients with diligence, competence, and respect.

The Process

The application process for the International Experience Canada (IEC) program varies depending on your country of citizenship and whether you are applying directly or through a Recognized Organisation (RO). Here’s a general overview of the application process for both scenarios:

Direct Application Process for Partner Countries

  • Check Eligibility: Before applying, ensure that you meet the eligibility criteria for the IEC program, including age requirements, nationality, and any specific criteria for the category you are applying for (Working Holiday, Young Professionals, or International Co-op).
  • Create an Online Profile: Visit the official website of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) and create an online account. Complete your profile with accurate information, including personal details, education, work experience, and language proficiency.
  • Submit Profile for Pool Entry: Once your profile is complete, submit it to the IEC pool for consideration. Profiles are typically drawn from the pool periodically, and candidates are invited to apply for a work permit based on their ranking in the draw.
  • Receive Invitation to Apply (ITA): If your profile is selected from the pool, you will receive an Invitation to Apply (ITA) for a work permit. The ITA will specify the category you are invited to apply under and provide instructions for submitting a complete application.
  • Submit Application: Follow the instructions provided in the ITA to submit a complete application for a work permit. This may include providing supporting documents, such as your passport, proof of funds, insurance, and any additional requirements specific to your category.
  • Biometrics and Medical Examination: Depending on your country of citizenship and the requirements of the IEC program, you may need to undergo biometric data collection (fingerprints and photo) and/or a medical examination as part of the application process.
  • Wait for Processing: After submitting your application, wait for it to be processed by IRCC. Processing times may vary depending on factors such as the volume of applications and your country of citizenship.
  • Receive Work Permit: If your application is approved, you will receive a port of entry letter allowing you to travel to Canada and you will receive your work permit by the border service officer according to the terms and conditions specified.

Application Process through Recognised Organisations

Recognized Organisations (ROs) are authorized by IRCC to help facilitate the participation of those eligible candidates whose countries are not partnered with Canada under Youth Mobility Program in the IEC program. The application process through an RO may involve additional steps and requirements, which can vary depending on the organisation. Generally, the process may include:

  • Choose an RO: Select a Recognised Organisation that offers support for the IEC program and meets your needs and preferences.
  • Contact the RO: Reach out to the chosen RO to inquire about their services, application process, and any fees involved.
  • Submit Application through the RO: Work with the RO to submit your application for the IEC program. The RO will assist you in completing the necessary forms, gathering required documents, and submitting your application to IRCC on your behalf.
  • Follow RO’s Instructions: Follow the instructions provided by the RO throughout the application process, including any additional steps or requirements specific to their services.
  • Biometrics and Medical Examination: Similar to the direct application process, you may need to undergo biometric data collection and/or a medical examination as required by IRCC.
  • Wait for Processing and Receive Work Permit: Once your application is submitted, wait for processing by IRCC. If approved, you will receive a work permit allowing you to participate in the IEC program.

It’s important to note that the application process may vary depending on your country of citizenship, the specific category you are applying for, and any changes or updates made by IRCC. Therefore, it’s recommended to review the most up-to-date information and instructions on the official IRCC website or consult with a Recognised Organisation for assistance.

Success Stories & Testimonials

Over the years, CANACCESS IMMIGRATION has helped countless individuals and families make their dream of moving to Canada a reality. Their website features latest visa approvals and heartfelt testimonials from clients, reflecting the high level of satisfaction and success achieved. Please check this link

The legal landscape of immigration can be complex, but CANACCESS IMMIGRATION simplifies it for its clients. They are equipped to handle immigration to Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the U.K., and Singapore, offering a wide range of solutions tailored to each client’s unique situation.You can live & work in Canada under IEC Program and being approved by CICC & IRCC ,Canaccess Immigration help you through out your immigration journey.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q-Which is the best consultant in India for Canada?

A-Without any doubt Canaccess Immigration is the number one immigration company which provides legal and ethical solutions for migration to Canada and is fully approved by IRCC & CICC.

QHow long does it take to process an IEC application?

A-Processing times vary depending on factors such as the volume of applications and the applicant’s country of citizenship. Generally, processing times can range from days to weeks.

QCan I extend my stay in Canada under the IEC program?

A-It may be possible to extend your stay in Canada under certain circumstances, such as obtaining a new job offer or changing your immigration status. However, extensions are not guaranteed, and it’s important to familiarise yourself with the rules and regulations regarding your specific situation.

Q-Can I bring my spouse or dependents with me under the IEC program?

A-Generally, the IEC program is designed for individual participants, and there are no provisions for spouses or dependents to accompany them. However, spouses or dependents may be eligible for other immigration programs or permits to join the participant in Canada.

Q-What happens if my application for the IEC program is refused?

A-If your application is refused, you may have the option to appeal the decision or reapply in the future. It’s essential to carefully review the reasons for refusal and consider seeking advice from immigration professionals if necessary.


The International Experience Canada Program represents a gateway to unparalleled opportunities for young people seeking to explore the world, gain valuable work experience, and forge meaningful connections across borders. By understanding the program’s eligibility criteria, application process, and potential challenges, aspiring participants can embark on their international journey with confidence and purpose, knowing that they are part of a global community united by a shared spirit of adventure and discovery.You can live & work in Canada under IEC Program and being approved by CICC & IRCC ,Canaccess Immigration help you through out your immigration journey.

Call to Action

Embarking on your immigration journey to Canada? Ensure your success by choosing a top CICC & IRCC certified consultant. Start by visiting Canaccess Immigration and scheduling a consultation with Mr. Mohit Ghai an authorised RCIC with License number R508662 today. Let your dream of moving to Canada become a reality with trusted expert guidance.

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